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Isaac Fujiki

Artist, Isaac Fujiki, was born and raised in Kyoto, Japan. After graduating from Kyoto Art Polytechnic High School, he went on to pursue art at Kyoto-Saga University of Arts where he obtained a bachelor's degree in fine arts with a concentration in oil painting. As Kyoto News Paper praised that his paintings "capture the inspiration of a split second," Isaac is one of the leading artists in his generation. His passion brought him to New York in 2012, where he continues to create and exhibit his works.  His fans are attracted to the hopeful character of his art that urges them to magically open their hearts and feel uplifted.   


He has won prizes at the Mitsubishi Art Gate Program, Albion Awards, and Kyoto Current Exhibition. Many enthusiastic buyers seek Isaac's works, and at a Merrill Lynch charity auction held by PWM Japan Securities all of his works were successfully sold out. He frequently participates in joint exhibitions both in Japan and in New York, such as the gallery project in Kyoto, Space WOMb in New York, and Annual Exhibition of Japanese Artists Association of New York at Tenri Cultural Institute in NYC. In addition to group exhibitions, he has held solo exhibitions such as "One-Man Show"  (Art Space Higashiyama,Kyoto, 2007), "Look up the World" (Seaside Street Gallery CASO, 2007), "From Winter to Spring" (Gallery Haneusagi, Kyoto, 2008), "Me and the World of Drawing" (Handmade&House Cafe, Kyoto, 2012), and "New York Solo Exhibition" (Bluedata International Institute NYC, 2013).


Isaac is a board member of Japanese Artists Association of New York,  and a member of Aviv Jaffa, a duo with a classical pianist. 

He is also an instructor of Saga Goryu Japanese Flower Arrangement and teaches classes regularly.


■画家 藤木イサク




三菱アートゲートプログラム、アルビオンアワード、Kyoto Current展などで入賞。日本証券株式会社主催のメリルリンチ・チャリティーオークションにて作品完売。ギャラリープロジェクト、スペースWOMb、天理カルチュラルインスティテュートなどの日米のグループ展に参加。またアート・スペース東山での「ワンマンショー」(2007) を始め、海岸通ギャラリーCASO「見上げる世界](2007)、ギャラリーはねうさぎ「冬から春」(2008)、手作り雑貨&おうちカフェ(京都)「わたしとおえかきの世界」(2012)、Bluedata Inteernational Institute(ニューヨーク)「NYアート個展」(2013)などの個展も行っている。生花、嵯峨御流の準師範でもあり、インストラクターとして定期的に教室を設けている。


現在、Japanese Artistis Assocation New York の理事を務める。 






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